I understand everything that you're saying. I do what I can to educate my friends and family whenever I get a chance. I have found that after all these years, the majority of those I am closest to have accepted my lifestyle, and after listening to what motivated me to "change", have a deeper respect for me.
It's taken a long time though.  In the beginning everyone thought it was a "phase", part of the hippie culture/movement. They'd joke about me ending up in a commune somewhere....
But, as the years passed, they finally realized I was serious and then started "listening" to what I had to say.
I know it might not seem like a big thing to some, but my mother, who is now 75, has become a more "compassionate shopper".  Household items that were commonplace in her home, such as Tide, Downy, Bounty, Pledge, etc., have been replaced by items made by companies that do not test on animals.
She and my Dad (who passed away 5 years ago), gave up eating veal after learning how veal calves are raised.
To some, it might not seem like much, but I believe every "little bit" helps....My mother and my aunt (who is 82), now will prepare "vegan" meals when I join them for lunch or dinner. They've learned the "lingo" & when in doubt, ask questions.  I think it's great!  (My aunt has a hard time with the jello thing......she just can't get the connection!)
I, like you, believe, one person can make a difference.
Little things really "do" matter.

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