Ah Sherry, you're breaking my heart. I too had a felv pos named Grace, I lost her in Sept, she was almost 2 yrs old. She was my special "heart warmer", she would jump on my lap and press her little body against my chest until any troubles and strife would be replaced by her warm loving glow. In those moments it was impossible to think, or feel anything but her unconditional, and yes, undying love. I lost her sister Jazz in April at 18 mos and two of their litter mates before they had even turned 6 mos. They too were born with felv, they too were the most precious gifts of love and light. We've discussed it before on the list, these angels are the most remarkable kitties, there's just something so special about them and the way they steal your heart. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your boyfriend, I know Maizee will be sorely missed. I'm so glad you've found your way to forgiving yourself, (at least a little bit), for not having it in your control to save her. We're all too familiar with that agony and regret. Thank you for sharing some of the wonderful memories of special moments shared together. I believe Maizee Grace lives on, it's small comfort when the loss of her physical presence is so fresh and painful. Even if you don't believe in life after death, remembering and recounting the joy we shared with our babies helps them live on in our hearts and honors their memory.
Much love to you in your sorrow,

Sherry DeHaan wrote:

Thank you all for your kind words.it is helping me to believe that I did the right thing and that I should not feel guilty,I will always wonder if I could have done more,but that is just me.She lived for her Temptations treats,I trained her (or she trained me) that if she gave me a kiss on the nose she would get a treat,we would do this for 20 treats if I kept telling her pleeps for treats,I know silly but it was so adorable,my boyfriend would just laugh at us,but he got in on it too sometimes.She even would wake me up kissing my nose and if I tried to hide it she would kiss me all over my face,she was just the most adorable thing you ever seen.She had so many little things that she did that just melted my heart,she love me very much and I hope she knows that I did everything for her.Thank you all for letting me share a couple of her many sweet things she left in my heart to remember. :) Sherry

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