Title: Message
Trouble is, I'm honestly not so sure that is the case with my Tiger. (It's not accompanied by purring--if it was I would prob worry less, even tho I know cats often purr when they pass away too.)
Certainly he gets cuddles when he does it, chiefly because I've always thought the forehead thing in his case means he needs comforting.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:47 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: o/t2 x feline behavior Qs

We call those kissies. Tigger is my "kisser". He will rub down the sides of my face or chest with his head, but he also just plants his head against me at times too, and purrs. He's not in any pain, he's just being sweet. You see this motion more in dogs, where it's a sign of submission. Tigger likes it if you reach with your arms down both sides of his body when he's got his head against your chest, and rub his "booty" with your hands on both sides at once.

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Adopt a FIV+ cat:
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Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!
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Ask me today how you can test for Trich!

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