I didn't realize it was you that lost your Carlita. Again, I'm so sorry. It's always hard, but when they continue to rebound again and again, we start to feel, maybe, just maybe this one will stay, this one is different. We have to live with that hope, to live otherwise is not truly living, to live otherwise clouds the wonderful moments we share. I've learned so much from my wonderful fur teachers, one of the greatest lessons is living in the moment, living those moments to the fullest. Try not to feel bad about not knowing that this time was different, that this was her time. She was with her buddies, maybe they needed it to happen this way, it's always so hard on everyone, our family members with fur as well as those without. What a loving little soul she is! Such a blessing to you and yours, and now to us as well. Thank you for sharing your memories of her with us. Sending you hugs and healing blessings to sooth you in your grief,

Susan Loesch wrote:

Yes, my little Carla was feleuk positive. She and her 2 brothers and 1 sister were rescues from Little Rock Animal Services when they were babies. Carla was the only long-term survivor. She was solid black and such a little doll -- never got any bigger than maybe a 3 month old kitten. Skinny as a rail, but a good eater. LOVED to climb up on me at night and make biscuits! She was around 3 when she died. Off and on she had "down" periods - I'd come in and find her stretched out and not moving, dehydrated and seemingly at death's door. But a boost of Ringers subQ and a little rest and baby food and she'd be up and running again. That is what happened her last evening. She had seemed to recover and was eating again and purring and I didn't notice any difference in that time or the ones before. In fact I was so sure she was OK that I left her in my spare bedroom piled up with her buddies and didn't take her to bed with me or stay in there with her. But obviously something was different because the next morning she was gone. It took me so by surprise and was such a hard loss. She'd been so thin for so long, and so small, but had just kept on going. I guess I was lulled into thinking that she was going to be a survivor. I sure do miss my scrawny looking cuddle-baby Carlita. She was such a joy.

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