aw, hideyo, i'm so sorry that garfunkle had to leave. but i'm happy
for both of you, that you had some really good memory-making time
together before he left.

i see him racing around at the bridge, big grin on his face, being all
healthy and happy--and carrying all your love with him....

the holding them and crying for them not to go--oh, i wish i didn't
know that one so well. i know i have no right to keep them with me FOR
me when it's their time.... i still can laugh as i remember hugging
one of my darlings, telling her that it was okay for her to go
whenever she needed to, that i loved her and would be fine, thanking
her for being such a good companion--then, five minutes later, crying
into her neck, "mommy's not ready to let you go!".... and, the next
minute, telling her, yet again, that it was her choice and her need
that was most important...

my heart is with you, hideyo.



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ICQ: 289856892

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