Hmmm... I never heard of IFN causing dehydration. My kitties have shown no sign of it. Effie (FeLV+) was on daily for 2-1/2 years; Butch still on daily since 2000 (FIV+), now Tabitha (FIV+), and this week Shiloh tested positive for FeLV. Shiloh was a stray who showed up last winter, neutered him 2/05. He had a nasty fresh bite on his forehead 5/05 which I cleaned and gave preventive abx, which might be when he contracted the virus. There is no way of knowing if he had it before that time. Due to other life stuff, he was not tested until this week when we were going to do the vax. He lives outside on the deck and under the house and I need to find a better situation for him. Presently, I have no clue what that is but I'll figure something out ... with God's help, He gave me this challenge and hopefully He'll follow up with ideas. My Sam (negative 6yo) now HCM, threw a saddle clot two weeks ago and is recovering the use of his legs gradually.

Hugs to everyone battling the disease/s and life's problems.  Del

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gloria Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Sammy and interferon

I don't know but have wondered that myself. Didn't know that it causes a degree of dehydration so that's interesting to me, especially at this very dry time of the year.

I give my FELV+ kitties .5 cc daily (not on/off), unless there's a URI or something then I up the dosage.


On Dec 1, 2005, at 8:18 PM, Helene Hand wrote:

Hi!1 I seem to mostly lurk, too, now that Sam seems so well, but I have a concern to share with all of you. I do love this list, and there was a time all of you definitely saved Sammy's life with your love and advice. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

Okay- Sammy, my 15 year old siamese, and his mother Delilah, 16, came to live with me in 1993. In July of 1999 Sam developed FELV and almost died. He was so sick. Over the next few months he lost down to 7 pounds and I maintained him on IV boluses, a series of Acemannan shots, oral pettinic daily, Vit. B12 subcu., interferon orally, 7 days on-7 off- winstrol orally,procrit s.c. weekly,special foods, including baby meats, dry foods (4 choices!) lots and lots of love and prayers constantly. For a year it was touch and go.Today, he weighs about 16 pounds, looks and feels great, is definitely the Alpha Cat of the household, and has been in remission and asymptomatic since 2000. Coat is shiny, he is very playful, etc.

My question is this: Does anyone know of any detrimental side effects of long-term interferon therapy? There is no need to ask my vet, although wonderful, he lets me call the shots, as he really doesn't know... Sam has been on interferon since 2000. One cc orally for 7 days, then off 7 days.So that is 15 cc a month.I sure don't want to rock the boat, but I know that the interferon causes a degree of dehydration. Anything else????? I would like a source of info., and would appreciate anybody's input. He still is on the pettinic daily, the winstrol weekly, and the Vit. B12 subcu. weekly. I discontinued the procrit subcu. a year ago.

My wonderful boy seems to be doing fine; but I remind myself to remember that every day is so good for him, but could change in an instant. I don't take anything for granted.

Thanks!  Guys!  Helene

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