Yep, one day at a time, one task at a time.  I'm always beating myself up for not doing more, but doing ANYTHING is what's important.  I know exactly what you mean about getting easily overwhelmed.  We both have to work on narrowing our focus and just helping as much as we can.  A plan is always good :).  The world is such a mess, we can only deal with what is right in front of us.  The trick is to keep moving, keep doing something positive.  I try to keep the Serenity Prayer in mind.  Easier said than done!

I would be very careful about who you approach, for the very reasons you've stated.  Some people have nothing better to do than to make life miserable for those that can't defend themselves.  Sad, but true.  I would go down that list of rescues, make up a form email to send and look for help from them.  Don't give up easily, make yourself a pleasant, but squeaky wheel.  Sometimes I think they wait to see just how persistent you're going to be!  So many people say they want to help, after the rescue gets involved the contact drops the ball and the rescue is left dealing with everything on their own.  When they know you are serious about helping and not just someone looking to pass the buck, they become much more receptive.  One of the rescues that I've worked with pays the full price for spays/neuters, sometimes they pay for the shots as well.  They haven't been able to help me with adoptions, (hence my overflowing household!), but I'm happy to take whatever assistance they can give.  They'll have traps to lend you, valuable advice and sometimes can give you food and supplies too.  Don't be discouraged if some of the rescues don't share our love of ferals.  I'll never understand how people can say they love cats, but are selective in that love.  Sigh.  Do stick your head in any feed stores, or pet stores and let them know you could use donations of food that's about to expire, (you don't have to tell them the location of the colony).  You'll be surprised at what you can get, but you have to ask!

You better believe I'm with you.  I'm right there at your side, I wish it could be more than in spirit, but you've got lots of unseen help behind you.  I truly believe that.  You just wait and see, things will start falling into place and you're going to make a tremendous difference in those cats lives!  Oh, wait a second, I dropped one of my pom poms!   Seriously, you are earning Heaven points big time.  Keep it up!

Renee M. Simon wrote:
Nina, thank you again for your words of encouragement and support. I woke up today feeling like a new woman...which isn't so easy anymore at 41!
I decided that I must change my perspective for the time being. It is very easy for me to become overwhelmed at the enormity of the situation and the lack of support both physical help and financial. So, I decided to take a deep breath and realize that I do not have to fix everything today. I will step up my efforts and be diligent in learning as much as I can, while investigating all avenues. If I let myself get overwhelmed, then I am afraid I might fizzle out. So, I wll just put one foot in front of the other, start thinking creatively and get going.As only 1 person, I certainly cannot afford to fix it all myself, so I will do what and can do.I think that is a good start.
I very much appreciate you being there with me in this. They are all such precious souls and I will do whatever I can to improve their health and existance. I promised them that I would do my best.
I am going to print out some relevant info and see about approaching some people in town. But I hesitate to draw too much attention to them, because I fear for their safety. People here are always looking for scapegoats and excuses for acting violently. I do not want these babies to pay the price because I was naive. So I will read, learn and do my best for them.
Thanks again so very much!!   Renee

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