Hi Everyone...been so busy haven't been on list for a bit. My sister is getting 
married and things are hectic here and 
there. Just wanted to update everyone who has been so helpful and encouraging 
with Brooklyn. He is doing well. I 
finally got up the strength and into a routine of giving him his meds. It's 
been almost a week and he is doing better. 
No more vomiting, but all he wants to eat now is dry food. Not interested in 
the canned food anymore, I think it's 
because he's afraid there's going to be nasty stuff in it since I tried to hide 
the meds in it. 

His poopies (that's the professional term we use around here) are becoming more 
solid, no more liquid poops. That's 
happening slowly but surely and guess what....I moved the litterbox to where he 
kept going on the floor, and he's 
been using the litterbox CONSISTENTLY! He was just trying to tell me "THIS is 
where the potty should be....if it's not 
where it should be, I'm goin here anyway" lol. 

I have to say I'm totally entertained by his bad manners. LOL. He begs for food 
WORSE than the dogs do! He stole a 
french fry from my plate! I sit at a snack table and eat since it's just me, 
and he reaches up with his paw and tries to 
knock it off the table. If he can't get it or I'm eating he just meows 
incessantly until i give him SOMETHING. And if I 
don't pay attention to his begging, he paws ME! Today he wanted biscuits. The 
cat is hilarious. He is so cuddly it's 
amazing. He needs a bath though. How would I do that? I know from experience 
that cats aren't too fond of baths (I 
used to work in a grooming department and have a NASTY scar from a cat who 
didn't want a bath that day). 

Anyway, other than that, no other news except that I asked for the roomba for 
xmas. It just sounded so great. LOL. 

Happy Holidays everyone and hug your kitties for us here in furball wonderland. 


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