Michelle, thank you for your input – actually I am going to have a couple of different people who are going to testify on my behalf about the condition of the premise and condition of the cats - one (in person) and another one (in letter) – One person is from Animal protection service of NM – she is a friend of mine and I have worked with her on rescuing cats for the past 4 years, she will write a letter regarding the condition of animals and condition of the premise so that we have the information backed up.  She knows everyone who are city officials almost and her opinion will mean a lot, I hope – also my holistic vet who also does house visits all the time are going to come with me to testify for the similar things.  Also animal control officers who have seen my premise was also impressed how impressive the premise was to accommodate the cats needs – he said – he never had seen such a wonderful facility for cats ----though he will be on the other end, buy my boyfriend who is a lawyer will also testify that he actually said that so that he can’t use it against me..  I am also going to have pictures of my animals and the facility so that they can actually see it.


The court date for the permit is 12/19 – but I also have a criminal complaint on the same issue, I think it’s on 12/13 (bond arrangment??) I am going to plea guilty on this one and Greg says, if I win on 12/19, the criminal complaint will go away.


I would like to get all the support I can get and take it with me… more is better, and I want to prepare – anything that characterize my dedication and commitment to my animals will be helpful, I think.


What do you think?


Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:51 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Hideyo's court case


As a lawyer, I really can not see how a testimonial from someone who has never seen the premises would help in any way. We all know Hideyo cares a lot about her cats and does everything possible for their health, from her posts, but all a court is really going to care about is what the premises looks like and testimonials from vets and others who have actually seen the cats and the care first-hand, I think.  I can't see that a court would give much credence to the opinion of people on an online listserve. 



In a message dated 12/8/2005 2:41:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You haven't mentioned anything about your upcoming court case with
animal control lately.  Isn't it scheduled for Dec 12th?  How are your
preparations going?  If anyone who wanted to, hasn't sent a testimonial
letter to Hideyo yet, please get on it.  Let us know if there is
anything else we can do to support you in your fight.


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