Thank you! No, he is wide awake, walking
around and running away from me J --- I usually ask them not to use any sedatives (injectables) for
my cats when they go through surgery.. and usually, by the time I drive them
back home (in 20 min or so)… they are running around ----I was so
relieved to see his face after the surgery, though!! From:
Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N. That's so good to hear! How does
he seem--is he a little dazed still? But otherwise ok? Kerry -----Original Message----- Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so nervous..
but I waited by his side the entire time.. now he is painful tooth
free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all your
prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From:
On Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N. Dear Hideyo I'm sending all good wishes and positive
vibes for sweet Please let us know how he's doing when you
have time... love and hugs to you both, Kerry -----Original Message----- Hi, I am thinking of taking him to my vet to have them pull
his tooth tomorrow morning -- again, he is an older boy, and has a kidney
problem (or had), and heart murmur.. the vet thinks he has FIP due to high
level of globulin (very high..) – which by the way I don’t think he
has.. Anyway,, I am afraid that he is losing weight because of the
pain in his tooth, and am thinking of taking a chance to anesthesia him so that
they can pull his tooth. You guys, I need all your prayers for my baby, Hannibal so
that the surgery will go well, and he will recover well… he is one of my
very feral boy,, though he is not a lap cat, I so love him and care for him
dearly and I need your help sending him a good energy!!!! Thank you in advance. Love Hideyo and Hannibal =00
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Title: Message
- RE: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal Hideyo Yamamoto
- Re: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal Presto
- Re: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal Nina
- Re: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal Terri Brown
- RE: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal Hideyo Yamamoto
- Re: HELP: PLS PRAY for my Hannibal PEC2851