
I feel exactly the same as you do.  Why pay good money
for "entertainment" only to leave a depressing movie
with a sad ending, when we can watch the evening news
for free?  I don't watch the news either.  

Once, I thought I was going to go postal when PETA
paid for an advertisement on TV showing pigs being
killed.  I just happened to be flipping through the
channels around 11 pm one night and stopped to see
what was going on.  It happened so quickly and was not
something I would have chosen to watch had I known
what was going to happen.  I resented PETA for putting
that on TV.  What if kids were watching that?  Or a
toddler wandered into the living room looking for mom
or dad who might be asleep on the couch and saw it?  I
got so angry, I started throwing things and
screaming!!!  I couldn't believe my reaction.  It made
me sick to my stomach.  I couldn't bear to watch a
helpless animal be tortured like that.  If I see an
animal being hurt on TV, even if it isn't real, I
can't watch it.  I guess God gave me a serious
compassion for animals.  I wrote PETA and the TV
station the very next day, because I didn't agree that
the advertisement should have been on TV.  I know, I
know, what about those pigs?  I am glad that there are
groups out there who are advocating the humane
treatment of animals, and I do support them, not all

I also wonder how humans can be so cruel to one
another.  I think a lot of it has to do with drug use.
 So many people steal or kill while under the
influence.  The devil is out there and he is having a
great time.  Some forget that he's behind the evil,
and anytime he can get his fingers into our lives, he
takes the opportunity.  Just remember he's out there
and keep that in mind if you pray.  It's my opinion
that no matter what, we will never be totally happy or
comfortable in our lives here on Earth, as we are not
of this Earth.  God never said that our lives would be
easy here, and He's right, they aren't.  In the
meantime, I hope all of you enjoy your lives as much
as you can, despite all the horrible things that do go
on and do what you can about them, as many of you are
already doing.  Taking comfort in the "little" things,
the simple pleasures of life, having faith, and prayer
is all any of us can do to repel the evil.


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