Just to let you know it will likely be a long time before BF contacts this
person...  They really are knee deep in Katrina rescues and finding homes
for animals that are still being rescued every day....

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:48 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Tonya-elderly lady

Hey Tonya,

I emailed the email addy on that original email to let
the contact person know about Best Friends.  They
emailed me back and let me know that they had
contacted Best Friends and got a recording that they
were still busy with Katrina rescues and to leave
their information, and they would be contacted as soon
as possible.  I will let you know if I get another
email.  Let us know if you hear anything.  I hope
those kitties and their guardian get help soon!


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Everyone,
>   Thank you for your responses.  I knew there were
> people here would understand.  We have a girl on a
> list here trying to give away her 4 cats because she
> bought a new car!  Yes, we checked it out.  How
> selfish can people be.  I guess pets are like an old
> pair of shoes to them.  It makes me MAD as much as
> it makes me depressed.
>   Also, I have over a hundred emails to go through,
> but hopefully I'll find out some info about the
> elderly lady caring for all of the cats on a fixed
> income.
>   tonya
> wrote:
>   Sheila and all,
> Keep on writing those letters - to the newspapers
> too.
> Bonnie
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
> committed citizens can
> change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that
> ever has."
> -- Margaret Mead, anthropologist
> ----- Original Message -----
> Date: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:59 am
> Subject: Re: Tonya- depression-bridge list addition
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Tonya,I feel exactly the same way. Ever since
> seeing Larry King my 
> > depression 
> > has been overwhelming. Maybe I have been wearing
> blinders but I 
> > knew 
> > absolutely nothing about this situation and I wish
> I still knew 
> > nothing about it. I 
> > know that makes me a coward but I can't help it. I
> can't even watch 
> > the animal 
> > shows where the lions run the poor helpless prey
> down and kill them 
> > for food. I 
> > can't get the look of fear on the poor babies
> faces out of my mind. 
> > The 
> > cruelty in this world is unbelievable. I still
> can't sleep for the 
> > depression. If I 
> > could wake up and it would be spring, maybe that
> would help. All I 
> > can do now 
> > is write letters, sign petitions and try to get my
> friends to do 
> > the same. 
> > Sheila in SC trying to cope. God bless you for
> your kindness.
> > 

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