I am so, so glad to hear he is feeling better! Please do  not ever feel hesitant to post-- especially good news! But even bad news. When my Simon had lymphoma and was up and down for 2 months I think I posted almost every day, and when things were really bad I think I posted almost hourly at times.  I needed to, and people were so kind and helpful.   Please do not hesitate.
I think it is fine you are not doing chemo.  The steroids seem to be making him feel better.  Occasionally a cat with FeLV and lymphoma will get a remission of a year or more from chemo, but in truth that is rare and it is usually more like 2 months to 6 months, and sometimes not even that, and sometimes you can get that much from steroids alone.  I think that deciding either way is ok. People on this list have many different opinions about chemo.

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