
I am so happy that Ewok is doing so well from the
shots!  I wish you and Ewok a very Merry Christmas!

:) (big grin while picturing Ewok running around

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Michelle!
> Thanks for the email!  The last few days have been a
> whirlwind...I'm 
> not sure when I updated last, but Ewok got a shot of
> Elspar last 
> Friday and actually ate a few bites of food on his
> own later on that 
> evening!  The next day, I took him into our regular
> vet's with your 
> email about the steriods in hand...she went ahead
> and gave him the 
> shots in addition to more the time we
> left about noon, she 
> could tell he was already feeling a little
> better...and by that night 
> he was eating a little on his own!  The weekend went
> well, and by 
> Sunday he was playing with the feather wand like his
> old self!  So, 
> Monday rolls around and we have a decision to make
> because we were 
> supposed to leave a few days earlier to head home to
> Chicago for X-
> mas!  I called the oncologist and updated him on
> Ewok's condition...he 
> suggested we take him with us (we were driving) as
> he preferred that 
> he be with us as opposed to our vet's office if he
> were to take a turn 
> for the worse.  I said, "Great!" and then called our
> regular vet to 
> update her...we both agreed that taking another shot
> of dex with us 
> wouldn't be a bad idea if something were to happen.
> Anyway, we made it to Chicago late last night with
> two dogs and Ewok 
> in tow!  He was such a good boy throughout the 24
> hour drive!  He's 
> still doing great...eating on his own and acting
> like his old 
> self!  :)  I'm just enjoying whatever time I've got
> left with him...I 
> really love having him here with me...and,
> fortunately, he's an 
> adventurous, social he's very curious about
> his new 
> surroundings!
> Keep your fingers crossed that his remission lasts
> just a little bit 
> longer!  Michelle--thank you so much again for all
> of your advice!
> Jen
> ****************************************************
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other.
> To me, you will be 
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique
> in all the world; 
> You become responsible, forever, for what you have
> tamed..." --Antoine 
> de Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you
> and you will know 
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not
> know them, and 
> what you do not know you will fear. What one fears
> one destroys." --
> Chief Dan George
> ----- Original Message -----
> Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:52 am
> Subject: Jen-- how is Ewok doing?
> > I have been thinking about him. Symptoms any
> better?   Did  the 
> > vet try the 
> > steroid shots? Any talk of using CCNU? Did the
> last chemo shot  
> > (the one that 
> > starts with E, can't remember the name) do
> anything?
> > 
> > I am hoping for the best, but worried that things
> are bad since 
> > you have  not 
> > written. Please let us know how he is when you get
> a chance.  We 
> > are  all 
> > pulling for him, and for you.
> > 
> > Love,
> > Michelle
> >

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