As I stated before, I haven't followed this thread, but I wish people (especially shelters) would STOP testing for fiv.  Period.  All it does is lead to cats being euthanized.  And cats can lead perfectly healthy, normal lives with it.  I had a cat with fiv for years and we never even knew he had it.  He died at a very old age of liver problems.  Looking back, the only thing we 'think' could have been a manifestation of the fiv was that he was prone to ear infections.  But......... his ears were also folded down and very scarred from his tomcatting days or he was actually a scottish fold.  We don't know.  The vet said cats with ears like his typically had more ear problems.

erin moody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't believe that there isn't a known way to test. So many cats are in jeopardy due to the vaccination if the shelters don;t specially test them. Its a hard concept for me to grasp that they passed this vaccination without considering the outcome of lost or abandoned pets. Erin

That's just one of the things that bothers me about the FIV vaccine ~ once vaccinated w/ the vx., all cats will test POSITIVE for the FIV virus. I am pretty sure the cats will test positive on any of the tests.
I am sure Hideyo or one of the group members who have more up to date news on the vaccine will chime in.
It's a pity that in cases where a cat has no prior history, that even veterinarians still assume they have the virus.
IMO, they should have addressed this before marketing the vaccine.
Even if positive, FIV+ cats can live long and healthy lives.
Best of luck to you....

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