Thanks so much, Kat - it helps to know of other experiences with this sort of thing, and that there are other possibilities for causes.


On Jan 3, 2006, at 9:42 AM, Kat wrote:


I've been off-line all last week, but wanted to add my condolences
on your loss of Pansy.  It's such a shock when something like this
happens - seemingly out of the blue.

Something sort of similar happened to me -only it was a week after I had
my 6 month old "baby Callie" (who was just the sweetest little calico
girl in the world) spayed.

About 1 week after the spay, I found Callie with blood on her face,
between her nose and left eye - on a Sunday morning. So off to the
emergency vet I go - they said she was slightly dehydrated, and the blood was from a scratch - so give her some karo syrup in water and seperate her from the other cats, just in case they had gotten into a spat. While I was setting up a crate for Callie, I heard her thrashing in the cat carrier.

When I took her out to hold her I realized she was having a seizure - so
back to the ER.  They couldn't stop the seizures - even with a dose of
phenobarbital big enough for a Great Dane - and I had to let her go. The next day I brought her body to my vet (who did the spay) for a necropsy, and she found numerous dry FIP lesions thruout her body - including her
brain (which is what caused the seizures).

I know of a friend who lost her 1 year old kitty during a spay due to
undetected heart problems - so sometimes it doesn't matter how old they are. Please just know that you were able to love her, and she knew your
love.  I am so sorry for your loss.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

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