
A friend's cat (here in NJ) DID have a bad reaction to epogen.
It was almost like an allergic reaction to it - bad enough that
the cat looked like she was dying no matter what. Fortunately,
the vet figured out what was happening (in time) and discontinued
the injections. But from what the vet said (this was several years
ago) bad reactions were not the norm.  Maybe something has changed
since then to make these reactions more common?

Sending you and Fu Healing vibes and prayers.
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Nina wrote:

> Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 11:21:24 -0800
> From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: anemia
> Well that seems strange.  How is it that the members of this list have
> had good results and they have "almost always" had bad reactions?  Could
> it be something about differing protocols, or applications?  Maybe your
> vet is using more than others that have had success?  Or the
> circumstances are different somehow?  Where the hell is that crystal
> ball when you need it?
> Nina
> >Nina,
> > That was such a sweet post. I talked to another vet at the clinic; she
> >is going to call a specialist at the vet school about Epogen. She said
> >at the clinic where she used to work, there were almost always bad
> >reactions to Epogen, which is why they are so cautious about it.
> >
> >Bonnie
> >

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