Could you please send me Kerry's post?

Thanks very much,

----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2006 7:22 pm
Subject: Re: Fu's red cell blood count

> 15  is low, but not deathly low.  It depends on how fast it is  
> dropping.  
> Kerry's Bandy was down to 17, I think, and is back up to 32  
> through a 
> combination of folic acid and some other supplements, and I think 
> he  was on Epogen for 
> a while. Did you save the post with all her recommendations? I  
> have it and 
> can send it to you if you didn't.
> I know little about thyroid and nothing about methimazole.
> Michelle
> In a message dated 1/3/2006 7:35:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> Michelle  and all - the vet just said Fu's red cell blood count is 
> 15. I
> know that's  pretty low. I wonder if the methimazole he's taking for
> hyperthyroidism is  causing the anemia? I think at a very frail 19 
> years,he's certainly too  old for surgical thyroid removal.
> Bonnie

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