This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV…  Anyone here have any ideas… 


-----Original Message-----
Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AM
Stealth Volunteers
Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] >From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help


This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing


LeAnne G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600
From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate Situation

One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be euthanized on Monday and
we are trying to keep this from happening.

When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groups
stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained with
us). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found the
owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited.

Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's a
healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hang
out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She's
about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age is
a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to:>. She's a beauty!

The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that have
tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 90-
day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others.
The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. They
have given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for her
to go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Not
because she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, she
picked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born with it.

Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not transmittable to
dogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not likely, but it is
possible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. Cats with AIDS
(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia usually have
shortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any other cats.
It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not the AIDS - is
what causes their demise.

Here's how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call your
retired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've ever
known in your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for a
sweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in New
Orleans, kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to be
killed by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody will
come through and save this beautiful girl.

Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,
if you can you help.




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