I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot!  I know you know I meant that helping Buddha cross WAS the most loving thing you could do for him.

Nina wrote:
Chandra and Julian,
I'm so, so sorry to hear about Buddha passing.  The week of him being back to his old self was such a wonderful gift for all of you!  I know that you cherished every minute of it.  My sweet little Molly, the second of my felv litter to pass also had a tumor behind her eye that caused it to bulge.  She wasn't with me, she had been adopted out before we knew of her status.  The family she went to had been struggling so hard to help her get well and were on their way to the vet's when her eye burst from the pressure of the tumor.  I only tell you this so you won't ever feel that your decision to help Buddha cross was the most loving thing you could have done for him.  Everyone on this list knows that it doesn't matter how long, or short our time together is, we are never ready to say goodbye to our sweet loved ones with fur.  You three have such a strong connection, it lives on still.  I have no doubt that Buddha will somehow make his presence known to you to let you know that he's once again, healthy, happy and has never left you.  Keep your heart and mind open to the signs that he continues to love you and that someday you'll be together again.  Don't be surprised if another needy angel shows up at your door.  I'm betting Buddha is bragging about you in Heaven.
Much love to you in your sorrow,

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