 I don't think I'm on that one yet. The Epogen seems to have perked Fu
up a little bit - I'm just hoping now that he'll make it through the
next few days.


----- Original Message -----
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:31 am
Subject: Re: Have epogen for Fu - what to do next?

> Bonnie,
>  Did you get on the hyper-t yahoo group yet?  They are very 
> knowledgeable with hyper-t, tapazole, and the effects of both on 
> the kidneys, anemia, etc.....  They might have some ideas for you.  
> Thinking of you and Fu.
>  tonya
>        HI, Belinda.  Yes, fluids do thin the blood and worsen the 
> effects of anemia.  They are still necessary sometimes, though, if 
> they are not drinking, though if he has no kidney or liver problems 
> and you are syringing food he probab-ly can do without fluids for a 
> few days, I would think.
>  Have you asked your vet about giving a dex shot? They really do 
> make them feel better, often even if they are really really sick.  
> The only time I have seen a dex shot not make them feel better is 
> on the last day of life, when nothing helps.  It is sort of a 
> miracle drug, and the vet who taught me about it told me that most 
> terminally ill humans are put on dex shots when they get into 
> discomfort. I am not saying this because I think Bailey is dying or 
> anything, just to explain how good dex is at making them feel 
> better physically and psychologically. It also helps with anemia 
> sometimes, depending on the cause.
>  Here's hoping Bailey feels better really soon,
>  Michelle
>  In a message dated 1/7/2006 10:07:51 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
>  I haven't noticed any change, he stills sleeps ALL day, won't eat 
> a bite 
> and looks at me with that why are you doing this to me look.  I'm 
> wondering now if I shouldn't have stopped his fluids because I read 
> somewhere that fluids also thin the blood out?  I didn't give him 
> fluids 
> yesterday because he seems to be getting weaker and weaker even 
> though 
> he is getting fed, and he is getting plenty of fluids from the food 
> I 
> give him.  I suppose it could be the anemia getting worse ... Time 
> to 
> weight him and have breakfast.

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