I'm sorry, I thought he had already gone through the procedure. It must be torturous to have to wait, but I do understand waiting for someone you trust. It's the same for human health care too. I'll never get used to the fact that people are made to wait for appointments when they are terminal. Sometimes the way things "work" just sucks. Hold on Bailey, help is on the way, Mommy is doing everything she can. My prayers are with you guys,

Belinda Sauro wrote:

  Hi Nina,
His bone marrow aspirate will be this coming Tuesday, my vet is out of town until then and she is teh only one I want to do it. There are 3 other vets there but she did Buddie's tube and I want her to do Bailey's too. I don't see the other vets there unless it is an emergency and she is off.

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