I can't imagine what this is like for you either. 
Peace to you and LIghtening Bug.  

I hope all the love we have for these cats gets
wrapped around them and makes that journey easier. 

.  --- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Del,
>   I found your message about Sam.  Again, I'm so
> sorry.  Yes, it is hard to lose them so close
> together.  I've never lost 2 so close together so
> can only imagine your pain.  :(
>   tonya
> "Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>             My sweet boy passed away early this
> morning while I talked to him and held his hand. 
> His last 24+ hours was bad, I didn't expect him to
> last as long as he did.  His first clot was
> mid-November with back end paralysis but he regained
> some limb function. He threw another saddle clot
> Sunday night but rallied, then Wednesday night threw
> another and it was downhill from there.  He was not
> going to survive when he continued to throw these
> clots frequently while on the meds and his heart was
> inconsistent.  Ten minutes before he died Lightning
> Bug, his sister, lay in front of his crate for five
> minutes his head was right next to hers, like they
> were sharing unspoken thoughts before he moved on. 
> He and Effie used to look at each other in
> admiration through the screen door, now they are
> finally playing together.
>   It's hard losing two in a week.  
>   Del

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