
     Does anybody have the receipe for the raw liver shake....Thanks...Lisa


-----Original Message-----
From: elizabeth holtermann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 1:04 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Tabbs my Siamese in Spain


Hi Sandra,

We live in a little town called Jimena de la Frontera, about a 1/2 hour up in the hills behind Gibraltar.

We just lost our dear cat, Tiggie, to FELV, and are going to have our other 2 cats tested this week.

We found something called Transfer Factor Plus, also flax oil and cottage cheese, as well as rasberry seed extract, and had Tiggie on the TFP, but I think we just started too late.

If you look up these things, the TFP, flax oil and cottage cheese, and the rasberry seed extract, you may find them helpful.

It´s too late for our dear Tiggie, but I am starting the other two cats on these things right away.

I haven´t been able to read all of your postings, but I just wanted to get this info out to you ASAP.

Also, let me know what area of Spain you live in- we have found an absolutely wonderful vet who does alternative as well as mainstream medicine and welcomes new ideas.

Take care,


catsculptress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, My name is Sandra I live in Spain and have acquired 5 Spanish cats and kittens since living over here, 2 kittens and 3 full male toms, sadly I have lost 2 of the adults last year with FELV and anaemic. I was unable to give them much help in the way of treatment, due to the fact that they where not used to be handled, and I was late in the diagnosis alongside it being

 too stressful for them. Since then my first tame stray called Tabbs have been diagnosed with FELV and anaemia. But the other 3 cats are all negative, even though one of the kittens tested Positive 3 years ago. But last test was neg.


I have a very good vet, but am just a little unsure that he is a little unwilling to pull all the stops out.  Even though he says he has tried new things in the past. Also my Spanish is not that good, and I do feel that some times I do not always get my point across.  My fault, due to my lack of the language



He has dealt with over 9 of my cats since living here in Spain, and until recently I have had no complaints, but with  reference to my Siamese cat called Tabbs, originally a full  male tom cat and I would say a short term stray,  now neutered and fully Vacc who was taken in by us 4 yrs ago, Age now  between 6 and 10 years,he has recently been diagnosed  as FELV positive.


In addition he also has trouble with his Kidneys. (with high readings over the last 2 yrs. being treated with the Spanish drug FORTEKOR 5). The cat is also anaemic. Tabbs  also suffers from deterioration of teeth and gums preventing him from eating properly and causing bad breath. His treatment for these teeth has been administration of anti-bionics and a dental clean 6 months ago. It is my opinion that on this occasion at least two teeth should have been extracted for the benefit of the cat, unfortunately this was not done.

X-ray taken two days ago shows no tumours present in the body at the moment. but he has a small tumour in his month which he catches when eating. and due to the blood readings.(urea 54.4 m9/d1, urea 20/40 m9/d1), of his Kidneys, we are unable to treat him as normal.


I respectfully ask for your advice, firstly due to his kidney readings it has not been possible to operate on the small tumour and his poor teeth which at present is responsible for his greatest discomfort. I have been informed that if steroids were administered this would reduce the swelling of the tumour in the mouth and remove his discomfort to a certain degree, yet again because of his kidney reading (urea 54.4 m9/d1, urea 20/40 m9/d1), we are unable to administer  steroids.  He has had  3 antibiotics courses with the last one finishing a week ago. these were combine with vitamin B injections, and he seemed to response quite well with the antibiotics, But my vet is not forth coming at the moment with a any more antibiotics,  and I feel that now my vet has said too many antibiotics are not going to be any good to him long term, But I am wondering weather he is going to be around long term, and is it not better for him to have some relief now. ??? as he is not so happy in his self since the antibiotics have worn off.


Regarding the anaemia I am treating it with a good raw mincemeat alongside canned food, but he can not mange hills nuts any more. also chemist bought vitamin and iron supplement 'glutaferro' at 0.2 ml per day 6 drops polivitaminico. I requested the Pet-Tinic but my vet was unable to supplier it for me.

We are concerned with the quality of life my cat is experiencing as he is lethargic and depressed most of the time, however with all things considered he is eating reasonably well. And also responses well to TLC.

 My Spanish veterinary surgeon advises me that we cannot treat the teeth and mouth tumours or  administer the appropriate drugs (steroids ) until the kidney readings have reduced. But while we are waiting my cats quality of life could be better, than it is at the moment, especially as I feel he is on borrowed time with the FELV  and Anaemia.


I feel that this scenario is a never ending circle.  What are the chances of the kidney readings coming down in a short enough time too allow us to administer steroids, or operate. 

Would it be either unwise or kinder to take a chance and administer the steroids with the current kidney readings as they are. and give him a shorter life but better quality.




His Anaemia readings (see below) which I hope I have copied correctly.


DATE 13.010.2006


feflovet   MO6.64 CO6.03    

animal 1 cat

GPT 44.6 U/1 25'C

GPT : <39 UI/25     0_c   ( the 0 should be seen as over the _ )




GOT 55.3 U/I  25'C

GOT : <19 UI/25_0c  ( the 0 should be seen as over the _ )


If my boy has only a short time available to him, I would like him to be as happy and comfortable as possible, but if he would have a  longer period to live by trying to treat each problem then I am more than happy to try. Also my Vet said that he was not making the red blood cells, I do not know if this is good news or if it would have given him a better chance if they where being destroyed. please advise me in any way that you see fit.  











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