Thank you Michelle!  What a wonderful've certainly got a
gift!  I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't cry before reading
it...but by the time I got to the end, my lap was full of kleenex! 
Thank you,'ve expressed so well what I feel in my heart!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

----- Original Message -----
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:12 pm
Subject: Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who
wanted to       see it.

> Poem for Little  Tidge
> We found  each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm
> The  misfortunes life had dealt you left you frightened and  withdrawn
> Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew  that you 
> were saved
> >From past neglect and heartache when love was all you  ever craved
> Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to  comprehend
> The reasons why god took away my very special  friend
> I know you had to leave me and that was meant to  be
> And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will  stay free
> I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll  appear
> It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no  longer here
> Your unexpected passing left me broken and  destroyed
> When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming  void
> Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from  harm
> Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner  storm
> My late departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever  understand
> Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this  land
> I know that you would not desire me harbour such  dismay
> So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart  to stay
> My life must now continue much in the way it did  before
> Though without you here beside me, for a while I will  feel poor
> Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve  been
> Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart  began to beam
> Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths  did cross
> The short time that we shared will never be a  loss
> And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll  return
> To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must  yearn
> Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is  done
> But with togetherness our future, our souls are destined  to be one
> Michelle  Lomax (April 2005)
> It's  amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the 
> poem 
> whilst  painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem 
> applies to all of us  
> at some point.
> Hope  you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel  Bramble

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