As I'm reading your letter exposing all the guilt and regret that you feel...I can just picture your Cricket, with his paws stretched out in front of him in that regal way they have, a smug small smile on his face as if to say, "My human...she always overthinks everything!
Trust that he understands it ALL now.  Afterall, he's smarter than we humans....he's a CAT.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am laughing through my tears right now reading your
post. You are so right, Cricket never came to me when
I called when he was outside because he knew that most
times it was time to go inside. He always wanted to
be outside all the time. I laughed when I read that.
His own good time might be a while from now!

The story about KC really moved me. And it's
wonderful that you are so understanding about KC and
her former owner, especially since it probably hurt
you. You are very perceptive too; a lot of people
would have missed the signs in that dream, including
me. I know how you feel though. I do feel terribly
guilty. I told him that it would be ok before he got
the gas and it wasn't. Nevermind that he was very bad
off and was going to be pts anyway that evening had I
not decided to try to save him one last time.
Nevermind that I did everything I possibly could have
for him the whole time he was in my care. And
nevermind that I loved him dearly. I didn't get to
"talk" to him before he left, we were in such a hurry
(on the vets schedule) after I got off work. I so
regret not taking five extra minutes to just love on
him and realize that this might be the last time we'd
speak. I just never allowed myself to think that and
I'm so sorry now I didn't. I didn't really get to say

Thank you for sharing with me Tamara. I feel better.
Several people have given me a lot to think about, and
maybe this guilt thing will eventually subside and
allow me to communicate with Cricket again.

God bless you too,

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