Thank you Marylyn for the sage advice.  I did not take
offense at all; rather, I'm happy that you took time
to help.  I have been sounding whiny about this whole
thing, so quieting myself might be for the best for
both of us.  Thank you for your kindness Marylyn.


--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First, quieten yourself.  You are trying to force
> the issue.  Cricket will 
> visit when it is time.  You want it so badly you are
> closing yourself up 
> instead of being open.
> Second, when you have quietened yourself, sit and
> talk aloud to Cricket. 
> Ask him to visit you in your dreams.  He will.  He
> has been trying but you 
> are not letting him in.
> I am not fussing at you and I understand exactly
> what you are going thru. 
> Please take this kindly.  It is meant that way.
>                                                  If
> you have men who will 
> exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of 
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
> will deal likewise with 
> their fellow man.
>              St. 
> Francis
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:26 AM
> Subject: OT: Dreams
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I wanted to ask everyone's opinions/thoughts on
> > dreaming about kitties you have lost.  I know it's
> OT,
> > but I have a hard enough time keeping up with the
> > posts here, so joining the OT list is not an
> option
> > for me time-wise.
> >
> > Since Cricket has passed, I have continued to look
> for
> > signs from him letting me know he's ok.  The best
> I
> > have gotten is a dismembered cricket that my other
> two
> > kitties left by my bed a day or so after he
> passed,
> > which was weird because I haven't seen any other
> > crickets anywhere, inside or out this year.
> >
> > A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was walking
> around
> > everywhere calling for Cricket.  I couldn't find
> him
> > anywhere and kept finding myself in all these
> > different places.  Rolling hillsides, snow-covered
> > forests, places I didn't recognize.  The dream was
> so
> > real.  And all I did was call for Cricket the
> whole
> > time, like I used to when he would sneak out of
> the
> > backyard when I wasn't paying attention so he
> could
> > explore the neighborhood.  "Crickeeee, Crickeee,"
> over
> > and over and over.  I started panicking in my
> dream,
> > and of course when I woke up, I got upset because
> I
> > knew the reason I couldn't find him in my dream
> was
> > that he was dead.  It really disturbed me.
> >
> > Apparently, I still need closure.  I still have
> guilt
> > over Cricket's passing, even though I know the
> facts.
> > I am disappointed that I haven't seen or heard
> > something that lets me know he's ok and that he
> isn't
> > mad at me.  Do you guys have any idea what that
> dream
> > meant, and also, what's a good way for me to get
> > closure as I think about it a lot?
> >
> > Thanks for any advice or thoughts you have,
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> >
> >
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