It sounds like her anemia is nonregenerative. Which to me means one of two things-- that it is lymphoma in her bone marrow, or that it is kidney-related and epogen might help.
My Simon had lymphoma in his bone marrow, and chemotherapy along with some heavy steroids when he first went out of remission (dexamethasone and depomedrol) brought his HCT up from 13 to 30!  He lived only 2 months after that though, and then had some kind of auto-immune reaction to the cancer or the chemo where he started killing all his red blood cells and died within 2 days. But the problem of his lymphoma suppressing bone marrow red blood cell production was controlled by chemo and steroids.
There is another possibility, which is leukemia the cancer, which can also do this and is less responsive to chemotherapy. I think they can test for that with a bone marrow aspirate.
Neil, if it turns out to be cancer or something else that is generally nonresponsive and you either do not do chemotherapy or it does not work or it works but she comes out of remission, there is something that can be very helpful for a few months. It is giving shots of 1/2 cc dexamethasone and 1/2 cc depomedrol, two very strong steroids.  Dex works fast and is out the system fast, and depo takes a few days to kick in but stays in the system days or weeks.  Actually that dosage is for an adult cat; I do not know about kittens. Simon was helped by chemo at first and then got worse, and these shots made him better enough to try a new chemo drug that then helped him for a few more weeks. 
Something you should know is that if it is cancer, chemo does not usually cure it in cats, just gives them better quality of life and longer life.  Some cats go into remission for a year or two, but shorter remissions are common, and very few live longer than 2 years with it, especially if they are FeLV+.
I'm sorry. I have been through this several times and it is the worst thing. I am hoping that it is not cancer and that one of the regimens mentioned might work.  If it is cancer, I hope that she can get at least several months of quality time from some regimen or other.
Where are you located, by the way, that you had to fly her to the specialist?  And bless you for doing it.
In a message dated 1/18/2006 2:19:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thanks to all that have replied
we have done almost every kind of titer that we can think of and so far only the Elisa test has been positive ( 2 times by different techs ) the ifa test should be back in two more days and the marrow tap that they are doing now will be a week from today
I have flown with Anastasia to a specialty clinic where they have every kind of specialist going so if anyone is going to help her I think I am at the right spot
in talking with the various vets we are 95% or better I am just kind of leaving myself a Little room for hope that she has and sorry I cannot remember the medical name but cancer of the marrow ,blood works shows almost no new cells which I think you mean by Regen or non Regen but i will ask
we have discussed hemobartenella and they are testing for it but it does not explain the lack of new red cell production
Its been two weeks and she has gone down hill fast the blood trans has picked her up somewhat and she is eating today but picky about it
I will ask about the epogen
she is just about the sweetest girl in the whole world and I truly love her
I think I have covered everyones questions but if not feel free to ask again
thanks so much for your help I truly appreciate any thing i can learn to help her

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