I'm feeding her the Feline Futures Instincts TC supplement mix with ground turkey from the health food store and ground turkey organs from Oma's.  I have to partially cook half of it now, and then mix in the raw, because since I fed her cooked turkey after her fast she does not want totally raw food anymore.
I do not know how much calcium is in the Feline Futures mix, or how much psyllium. I have been giving her slippery elm, but maybe I should add some fiber to the food as well.
In a message dated 1/21/2006 11:38:21 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
That's great news that Lucy isn't constipated.  It seems perfectly
reasonable to me that after not having a bowel movement for a few days,
and then with it being hard as well, that there might be some irritation
that would cause the blood.  I would watch it closely though, this isn't
the first time she's had blood on her stool.  I remember several kitties
on the IBD list having problems with constipation/hard stools after
being switched to the raw diet.  I thought it might have been caused by
too much added calcium, but I know you were looking to avoid extra
calcium in Lucy's diet.  What are you feeding her?
  • Re: Lucy Lernermichelle

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