misaddressed this the first time...
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I gave Lucy 1 mg of Periactin (half the normal dose) yesterday at about 5 pm to see if it would make her more interested in eating the foods that are good for her.  I had never given it to her before.  Starting a few hours later she began acting kind of weird, sort of out of it and a little uncoordinated.  She purrs when I pet her, tries to play but does not get very far, can jump but stumbles a little on landing, and has a sort of glazed look. She eats baby food hungrily.  But she seems a little zombie-like. I totally chalked this up to the Periactin, because I know that some cats have reactions to it (my Josephine was almost comatosed from it and i thought she was dying the first time she got it-- turned out she could only handle 1/6 of a pill).
But it is now 7 am, 14 hours after she got the Periactin, and she is still like this.  I am assuming this is still the Periactin, but it seems like a long time. 
My question is this:  Does anyone know how long the side effects can last?  Maybe I should be more concerned, but it seems too coincidental that she got like this for the first time a few hours after getting Periactin for the first time.

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