There were some suggestions about adding yogurt for healthy bacteria production. I agree that's really important given all the antibiotic he's been on. Is Bailey eating anything on his own, or is everything going through his feeding tube? The type of yogurt that Gypsy ate consistently is a brand called Brown Cow. It has a layer of "cream" on the top that Gypsy just loved. Get the "plain", whole variety, not low, or non-fat. Also, I've heard varying reports about the different brands and types of probiotics sups you can get at health food stores. There was a woman on the IBD list that swore by one particular brand, I can try and look it up for you, if you like. Gypsy had some upset with a couple I tried, (at least I think it was the probiotics!). I've been adding "Pet Dophilus" by Jarrow to her turkey diet and she seems to be okay with that one. It's says it's formulated specifically for cats and dogs. I'm not sure if that's a bunch of hooey or not.

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