
What is Rebound used for?


--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just FYI - and because it was so much cheaper than
> vets in my area - wanted to pass on that I located
> the salmon flavor Feline Rebound on sale for $2.95
> (regularly 3.95) at  I haven't
> been able to locate the salmon flavor anywhere in
> town - and one of our out of town fosters has a
> foster kitty who prefers that flavor.  She pays
> something like $7 for it from her vet.
> Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Michelle,
> The vet shouldn't have to see Lucy for you to get
> B12 to inject subq at 
> home. You can order it without a prescription and
> it's something that 
> vets feel okay about selling to you, (if you can
> convince them to forgo 
> the office visit). If they won't, I'd order it
> online. I'm trying to 
> remember where I found it, I'll do a search if you
> want me too. If 
> you've found a good vet, and explained what has been
> going on with Lucy, 
> they might take pity on the two of you and let you
> pick some up even 
> though she's not officially a patient yet.
> N

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