Hello Jeni and welcome. Can you imagine that tiny little baby wandering the streets by himself?! The man that found him was an angel, and so are you. How is Papoose? Such a cute name, btw. Is he asymptomatic? I'm afraid that kittens with felv do have less of a chance statistically of shedding the virus. That doesn't mean Papoose won't, or that he won't have many years of symptom free health. Some kitties are carriers and never have problems. Get him on immune support supplements, give him the best diet you can, don't take a wait-and-see attitude with any signs of illness, and keep his home life as free from stress as you can. That is the best that any of us can do for our sweet little angels.

JENI RECA wrote:

Hi..my name is Jeni. I have a feluk postive kitten named papoose. I work at a shelter and he was a "drop" there. A man came in with him when he was about 5 weeks old, he told me that Papoose was wondering the streets of Queens. He came up positve on Elisa and also the IFA when he was brought to the shelter, we retested him when he was about 3.5 months old and came up postive on both test again, I am going to retest him at 6 months (he is about 4 months now) to see if he is postive, what do you think the chances of him being negative are? Just wondering.
Thank you
Jeni and Papoose
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Vet said +FeLeuk test for my baby
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 18:10:16 -0800 (PST)

Welcome to the list  Paula,

It sounds like you're doing everything 'right'. I try to feed my guys a 'good' diet, although I don't feed raw or anything like that. A lot of people use a lot of different supplements. I tend to save the supplements for when something's not going well, or an upcoming surgery like you are planning.

I think lysine before going into surgery is a good idea as it might ward off any upper resp. infection she might encounter at the hospital. It sounds like you're familiar with hospitals! The antibiotic is a good idea, but uri's are viruses as I'm sure you know, and I feel like the lysine helps with those. My first positive kitty ALWAYS came home from the vet with an upper respiratory infection. (vet I don't use anymore, but still, sick cats are at the hospital....)

How long have you had her? 6 months is still young enough to 'throw' the virus if she was only recently exposed. I don't want to get your hopes up, but it 'can' happen. Do you know if she was born with it? Any background?


Paula Auerbach Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm new to this site. A fellow member from the Intruder Alert board suggested coming here to have some support and gain knowledge on how to care for my 6mo old girl. Her test was positive, but her cbc is within limits. I need to have her spayed this next week. Doc put her on Amoxil BID for the week prior and plans to have her on a 7 day regimen post op. Her platelets are within limits.

What else can I do for her? I have some Lysine I was using for her last bad cold- would that bolster her any?
   Thanks, Paula

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