What can I say Michelle?  I have nothing but empathy for you and your "problem" children.  But the fact that I'm operating on about 3 hours of interrupted sleep a night, (see Starman escapades), makes me very grateful that I'm not alone in my insane lifestyle.  We take being "owned" by cats to a whole new level, most of us on the list do!

Lucy does have a point :) !  How long after she ate did she throw up the turkey?  If you put a large tray on the bed, will Patches eat on it, or does it have to be bedding material?  How about if you feed her on an old flat pillow on a buearu in that bedroom, and then gradually remove the pillow?  That way you could cover the buerau and get her off the bed at feeding time.  I don't mean to be one-upping you, but at least you don't have to spend the 10 minutes it takes her to eat petting and cajoling her.  I tell you, I'm tired.

Thanks, Nina. But of course she threw up the turkey that she ate so voraciously last night, so back to the drawing board!  I gave her turkey baby food this morning and am waiting to see how she does on it.  The pred makes her voracious, and she thinks it is very mean of me to give it to her and then dole out food to her in little spoonfuls, even if she is throwing up!  Lucy's opinion is that I can't have it both ways, making her hungry and then not feeding her much.  She actually just came and yelled at me while I was writing that.
I am now working 3 days a week an hour from home (25 hours in 3 days plus commute) and 2 days a week from home.  Much better than what a lot of people have, but between that and what is going on with the cats and my own health problems, I feel like I have been run over. Maybe I should take some pred.  It seems to make Lucy feel great!  :)
Did I mention that when Patches was having trouble eating before and just after her dental surgery, I would feed her on the bed, where she was spending much of her time, and have to coax her and pet her to eat, and now she insists on only eating on the bed?  She comes to the kitchen in the morning like the others, but when I feed her she takes a few bites and then goes upstairs and gets on the bed, and that is the only place she will eat!   And she is so messy, so I have an old sleeping bag there for her to eat on. Luckily it is not the bed we sleep on, but still. I am so glad she is eating that I am not really complaining, and would gladly feed her on the bed all the days of my life if it means she will always eat. But I have to get up a half hour earlier on the days I am commuting so I can sit with her while she eats her whole breakfast up there!

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