My heartfelt prayers and condolences for the loss of OJ.  (I too had a special one named Orange Julius and hearing of your loss reminded me of the beautiful bond we shared and how sad his crossing was). 
I am so glad that you listened to your heart and let him spend the nights with you.  I know from his reaction that at one time he had had that special bond and was so happy to have had the opportunity before he crossed to share it with someone who loved him again.  Telling us that touched my heart so deeply.  We all know that we should quarantine for the safety of the others, but sometimes we have to disregard logic and listen with our hearts as you did.
It also sounds like as much as OJ wanted to be here with you and tried so hard, his body had taken too much abuse and since his heart was deeply intertwined with the companions who had gone before him, he wanted to be with them again.  I know that he loved you and that you loved him, but he needed to go to be with his friends where they and all your other special angels will wait for you.  
Tad, you are a very special person.  You opened your home and your hearts to the babies from Angel Wings knowing that you would more than likely painfully say goodbye to some of these babies too soon.  Your love was the first that many had known in a very long time, if ever, and you gave them your final gift of love - a gentle, peaceful, dignified crossing.  
My prayers to give you strength to continue your good work.  The babies need you.
Run with the wind Angel Orange Julius......................

/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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