Thank you everyone for your well wishes.  I've conquered the anemia, had the hysterectomy, am halfway moved in, and hopefully will get the thyroid going.  You just all know how it is when you have a zoo to take care of.  Between work and just basic care of my guys it's a lot of work.  I'm either working, taking care of the critters, vegging out on this computer, or sleeping.  That's basically it except when I'm on vacation in the summer.  Summer will come.  Summer will come!  And yes, the only bills that get paid are the ones I can pay online. lol.
And forcing myself to eat is not the problem.  Forcing myself to make something to eat is........ so I eat cookies, Little Debby cakes, potato chips, etc.... lol.  Really, I've gained so much weight I'm sure that has led to my lack of energy being worse.  I need someone to force feed me broccoli!
Here's a funny story for anyone's reading pleasure.  My thyroid med. has to be taken 1st thing in the morning with water.  No coffee, juice, anything else for 30 minutes (preferably an hour).  Well I hate this.  I hate drinking water and I want something 'good' to drink when I get up.  Like chocolate milk!
Sooooooo some friends recommended I put the pills by my bed with a cup of water and take it before I even get up. (I set my 3 alarms to go off a little before 6, but then sleep 30 more minutes to alarms and loud rap music before my friend calls to MAKE me get up at 6:30.  Even the cats have learned to sleep through all this racket. lol, and NO ONE will spend the night at my house because of having to listen to all of this or yell at me to get up for 30 minutes!)
So we all know I can't have a glass of water by my bed with 7 cats.  Or a pill.  And I don't want to get UP to take the pill or I may as well get up and be on time for work for Heaven's sake.  I want to take the pill lying down and go back to sleep.
So I go by a child's 'sippee cup', fill it with water, and put the sippee cup and the pills inside my dresser drawer.  This was Friday, my first try with my new foolproof plan.
The wind up "firehouse sounding ringing alarm" wakes me up at 6:00.  I fumble in the drawer for the pill and cup of water and down the pill.  Well, the water won't come out of the cup fast enough and the pill is dissolving in my mouth!  I suck and suck on the thing and then give it a big squeeze to get some d*mn water to come out.  Off POPS the lid soaking me, the cats, the bed with a glass of water. lol.  I got up and put on more pajamas and came and slept in the recliner until my friend called.  Time to come up with a new plan.  ( I also got up and drank chocolate milk too.  I felt I deserved it!)

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh Tonya! I'm sorry to hear about your health problems! Don't worry
about the house, it will get clean again eventually, pay the bills that
you have to, (have you ever paid bills online? It's pretty fast and
easy). Please take care of yourself and get some rest. Don't forget
to force yourself to eat something. If we were closer I'd come over
there and syringe feed you, if I had to.
Much love,

catatonya wrote:

> I am so sorry you are going through all of this.
> I have not been well and finally went and got a thyroid panel run for
> myself with an endocrinologist.
> Well, my TSH was 65.45, and the doctor said it should be 1 or 2. lol.
> I'm on 137 mg of levoxyl. (The same amount as my aunt who had her
> thyroid removed due to cancer).
> All that to say that I've been sleeping pretty much around the clock.
> The house is a mess, and the bills have not been paid. I started
> med.s on Monday and hope to feel like a real person again soon.
> As soon as I get my check books balanced and my late bills paid I am
> planning to send you some money for your defense. I have some set
> aside, I just haven't had time to sit and write out checks, get to the
> post office for stamps, etc... I am off on Monday to go back to the
> doctor to start more med.s and get more results, etc.... so I have a
> long weekend to hopefully get my butt in gear.
> You are in my thoughts and prayers. If money will take care of this
> problem, we will come up with the money on this list. And I believe in
> your 'cause' on this one. It's for you, but it's also for everyone
> who has to deal with this kind of crap about limits. Yes, I know I'm
> not a lawyer, but it's freakin' UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
> Maybe when I retire from teaching and don't have to worry about my job
> I can just travel around the country and b*tch slap people like you're
> dealing with. lol.
> take care,
> tonya

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