I was certainly not being critical!  I get myself into trouble all the time because I'm too overzealous.  It's good to fight for what you believe in.  But you're more effective if you can do it with a cool head.  It is VERY hard for me to keep a cool head.  That's certainly not an advantage by any means!

Just to be clear, I am not very good at staying calm myself and do feel quite angry about what people have been putting Hideyo and other rescuers through.  But as a lawyer I know I have to evaluate all the options in terms of chances of success and amounts of risk, and that is alI I was advocating doing.  I actually have been accused by colleagues of having "hair trigger responses" at times rather than taking a step back and figuring out a more measured response, and it is something that I constantly struggle with.  I am learning it a lot more now, because my new job is almost entirely policy work, and I am working on large issues that I have to negotiate with state agencies about, where there is not much recourse beyond convincing them to do the right thing. I am more used to negotiating with agencies over issues that arise in individual cases, where there is something I can go to court about if the negotiations do not get a favorable resolution. But now I am negotiating about new policies that are not actually prohibited or mandated by law, and without individual clients, and it feels a lot different. I can't just stop negotiating at some point and say I will take it before a judge. I have to just keep calm and keep negotiating.  It is a new and somewhat uncomfortable position for me, the zealous advocate, but I think it is an important skill to be able to draw on.  There may be times that I have ended up in court with clients where I did not have to if I had been a better negotiator.
In a message dated 2/4/2006 5:04:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I know Michelle is right about being calm and taking the safe way out.  But I know how it goes against the grain and can make you so angry.

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