I posted before about Switters the Katrina kitten found on the street by a New Orleans resident after the hurricane.  I ‘met’ Jean through group I’m in working to reunite Katrina pets with their owner.  She’s nursed him back to health, domesticated him, chipped him, neutered him and generally brought him back to health!  He is FELV+.  She has to move out of state next week and cannot take him with her.  She has contacted every rescue group and feline organization she could find.  She has asked her friends and neighbors but part of the problem is that those handful of people who have returned to New Orleans are all taking care of other pets found in the street!  ALL shelters in the Gulf Coast areas are full; almost none are no-kill and almost all would euthanize Switters because of his FELV.


Jean, his caretaker, found a place in Ashville that will take her and her three cats but landlord would not even consider a fourth cat—go figure.  Her cats hate Switters and she really can’t just keep them separate.


Someone told Jean, Switters’ caretaker, about a place called “animal rescue” in Denver but she knows nothing about it nor can she afford to fly Switters up there.  Jean has talked to Marley’s fund and they are full but put him on a waiting list.  Jean is moving to Ashville.  Is there anyone in the area who could even foster Switters until Marley’s fund could take him.  Jean says he really is a people person cat who is very sweet.  He tries with the other cats but they just won’t accept him.


I’ve got 5 adult cats in my apt and live with turf wars so adding one more would just put everybody over the edge.  Anybody out there who might be able to help?  This little guy went thru so much to stay alive!  This is Switters.






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