I will keep looking.. actually I have been looking houses for sale just to explore --- I might found a pretty good sized house with a couple of acre of lands somewhere in the south valley – who knows J


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 11:27 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Another disaster - update


I know you've put a lot into the place where you are.  I just think if I were you I would always keep an eye out for something suitable, not put too much more money into 'cat things' for the place etc....  Because when it comes down to it, these limits and bans are on the rise throughout the country.  I don't think they are going to go away anytime soon unless something major changes.  Just look at everything going on with the pit bull bans.


I found a house I liked a hundred times more than the one I bought, but when I read the homeowners' association's bylaws and rules and regulations I couldn't believe it!  I had already put an offer on the house and it had been accepted.  I had talked to other people about their homeowners' associations and though I wasn't happy about it, I had decided I could live with it.


Well, I decided to go ahead and ask for a copy to actually read them myself. When I actually read the bylaws and realized all they 'could' do if they 'wanted' to do everything by the letter...... I got out of my contract and bought the house not in a subdivision.


You just never know what the future holds. 



Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tonya, “moving” can be my last resort --- it’s certainly not impossible – fortunately, the property value in my area doubled within the past year or two, so I can get pretty good money for my house.. but I also take care of about 5 or 6 o f feral cat colonies in the neighborhood (I go feed them around midnight) and it will make the tasks a little more difficult if I don’t live near where I live now.  I also spent lots of money converting my house with enclosures so that they can take sun bath and get fresh air --- so I really hate to give up on the house.  But again, if it comes to that, it will be always an option


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 1:00 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Another disaster - update


Good Lord!


I know this is NOT what you want to hear.  But if I were you I would not rush into anything, but I would start looking for a place to move.  I know you've spent tons to get your house the way you wanted, etc... but still I would start looking.


You know I just moved this summer.  It was a LONG search because I wanted to find a place with some privacy and acerage with NO neighbors too close and NO stupid association.  This is NOT easy to find where I live and took quite a while, but I finally lucked up on a pretty deserted little road where the houses are zoned at 2 acres and no less.


The house I finally found is not what I personally wanted, but it's perfect for my animals.  It's private.  It's not in a subdivision at all, and I've got nearly 2 acres.  Yes, it's needed work.  But there's NO ONE to complain if I want to set cat cages behind my house or have too many cats laying in the front bay window.


It was THE MAJOR decision maker on my buying this house.  There are some neighbors close enough to complain if the dogs bark too much, but I even looked around to see if some of the nearby houses have dogs that bark too, and they do. lol.  I think I told you before that I had an aquaintance go through something similar to what you're going through.  So I knew when I moved I would buy the safest thing possible for the critters so that I could hopefully enjoy what you are going through now.


Hell, if it weren't for the cats and dogs I'd live in a condo with little or no upkeep for a lot less money. lol.



Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought about it, but I don’t think so, but I am not 100% sure --- he lives with girlfriend, and she is not US citizen, I think she is somewhere form south America, - it does not mean that she doesn’t have anything against Japanese – but it’s hard to say.. it looks like he is trying sell the house soon, so I hope he does ---


Also, Greg just found out that someone shot his car window with a gun (I think)  last night or something.. I think this is about 2nd or 3rd time his car got some type of damages – what a timing.. I hope he does not think we had anything to do it.. (Greg thought he might) – now I am a bit freaking out, if he think so, and if he tries to poison my cats through the outside enclosures… I am a bit paranoid now..


Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:54 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Another disaster - update


Hideyo, I hate to even suggest this but your comment about the neighbor not wanting people with certain ethnicities in his neighborhood made me wonder-- do you think that any of his animosity, or the animosity of the other guy, could be racism against you because you are Japanese? New Mexico is kind of known for being racially divided, and when I lived there for 3 months I could not believe how much blatant racism there was.  What I saw was mostly racism against Native Americans and Latinos, but I would not be surprised if some of the white people there are racist against anyone who is from another country and/or is not white.  If you think this might be part of what is going on, I think you need to tell your lawyers about it because it is relevant to the complaints, and it might also be something you want to mention to the ALCU if they are still considering doing an amicus brief.




In a message dated 2/1/2006 6:08:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Actually I put everything in the house for now – they really cannot complain what I have inside of the house --- to tell you the truth, if he wants to sell the house, it will probably sell in two days.. the market value of my neighborhood has gone way up by almost 100% for the past year or two and everyone who tries to sell the house in the area gets offered in ½ to 2 days and sell it --- so I really don’t think that he is going to have any problems… but again, I really cannot control the way he thinks.




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