Your Brandy's fever sounds like how Smokey is doing. 
I took him to his new vet yesterday his temp. was 105.
 It has gotten as high as 107 before.  She gave him
fluids under the skin, vitamin injection,
anti-inflammatory/steroid injection and immuno-regulin
injection.  She wants to give him the immuno-regulin
injection for 4 days.  He finally ate this morning and
seemed like his self again.  Like you I can usually
tell when his temp. is up.  With him he just lays
there and doesn't eat.  He doesn't acknowledge me and
acts like he just wants to be left alone.  This
morning I went to feed him and I heard that sweet
little meow of his.  It was like music to my ears.  I
just worry about how long his temp. will stay normal. 
I will tell Smokey's new doctor the different things
you are doing for your Brandy.  She told me yesterday
she is open to any new ideas but she also told me she
didn't think little Smokey will live very long.  She
said she had been proven wrong before and she hopes
Smokey will make her out to be a liar.  At least she
was willing to try to get him through this episode. 
Thank all of you for your help it has really helped me
get through the last 24 hours.  I was about to give up
hope for Smokey until I found all of you.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have been dealing with Bandy's fever problem
> since last July.  That is when I found out he was
> FIV and Felv+.  It would and still does shoot to
> 105.6 or even 106...I now have some pill form of
> dexamethasone   .75mg...I give him half of one of
> those and it will keep it down for about a week or
> sometimes a few days longer than that...
>   He is on interferon daily since last July..and
> many other supplements that I rotate around...I give
> him at times some anti-inflammatory supplements, but
> they just don't keep the fever down...Both his vets
> say it is due to inflammation caused from the
> diseases...I can tell by looking at him now when it
> is up without even taking it...I usually take it
> though...I have an ear thermometer which registers
> close to the rectal one...He is and has been on
> baytril 1/2 dose since last July as well...They say
> that is ok, but it seems like a very long time for
> antibiotics...
>   I give him bovine colostrum and lysine daily in
> every meal...His interferon is mixed with
> liqui-tinic (pet tinic) too..
>   His internal med spec. didn't like the fact that
> we were using dex so much, but back then it was
> injections weekly and much stronger...cause over use
>  can cause him to become a diabetic...but since we
> lowered the dose I am hoping it won't...I don't like
> to see him feel so rotten with the fever so I am
> going to take that chance...When he doesn't have a
> temp, he is as normal as the next kitty and you
> wouldn't even know he had all this stuff going on
> with him.
>   Hope this helps,
>   Kerry, Bandy, Buster and Lil Rascal
> ---------------------------------
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