I will be praying – I have a kitty that I rescued a week ago, his head is tilted and can’t walk well, losing balance and fall down.. and it turned out to be an ear infection –how is her appetite otherwise?


Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:32 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Praying for Ginger


I brought her back to the hospital last night after she tried to get up and fell into her water dish and just lay there. The ER vet said he thought she had slight pancreatitis from something in her GI tract, put her on fluids, etc. But the internist this morning said he thinks there is something wrong with her brain, because when laying on her back her eyes are moving up and down, and because she had balance problems last night. He is having a neurologist look at her later this morning.  He said she is a little brighter this morning (anything would be brighter than how she was last night though) but that he is very concerned about the possibility of a brain problem.  I am very worried about her, and have a terrible feeling.  I pray it is an inner ear infection or something like that.  Please pray for her.


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