Belinda, Thank you so much for all that helpful information, I have forwarded it on to my vet and will be ringing her shortly.
Tabbs has pick up a little to day, But not eating very well due to his mouth bothering him. and Saturday night he was really down, when I was thinking of calling the vet out, to put him to sleep. Got myself in a right state.
But we are over that for the moment. thanks to your help.
 Also I am chasing my vet up regarding the Aranrsp (darbepoetin alfa) which is the nearest match that I hope I can acquire over here in Spain, ( epogen) I had already  printed out information on this, and had taken it down to her, and as you can see by her response at the time, We did not make any head way, But heres hoping that she will see the light, and after all this that I can get it.
I do know from early enquires that I can not get it at the Chemist
I did read on the web site that a couple of people had used it or were using it, Has there been any feed back on its success.
As I am concern about the side affects being worst than the cure
thinking of bailey and hoping all is improving daily
Take care Sandra. please stay in touch as I will.
kindest regards Sandra


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