I happened to be off on Monday when Ginger was sick, but if I had not I would have taken off, certainly.  I did not go in Wednesday either, after losing her. When my Josephine and Buddy were so sick in 2002-3 winter, I did go to work a lot but often could not get anything done because I was thinking of them so much and calling my partner all the time to see how they were.  And twice I went to work on what turned out to be a cat's last day or next to last day, and have so regretted doing it.  So I agree-- take off whatever time you need to, as long as it does not cost you your job (if you need the job to make ends meet).
In a message dated 2/28/2006 12:54:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey Becca,

My kitty Cricket was very ill last fall and I couldn't
barely stand to be at work thinking about him being at
home and feeling bad without me there to look after
him, so I totally understand how you feel.  Be gentle
with yourself right now.  If you need to be off work
because Paassht isn't doing well, don't beat yourself
up for taking off.  (Not that you were; I just
remember feeling torn between my responsibility to be
at work and Cricket, and chose not to take off some
days that looking back, I should have.)


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