Hi Nina,
    I am able to get my Interferon Alpha from the Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy that our vet clinic deals with.  They apparently had some frozen from another client I guess.  They will be dispensing it at the dosage I need, and said they can also flavour it - Chicken, Liver or Beef.  They are going to find out if I can just slip it into his food.  My vet clinic was originally going to get it from a regular pharmacy, then dilute it etc., which was going to be more expensive than from the Compounding Pharmacy.  I am looking into getting the Virbagen Omega Interferon.  My regular vet tried to call the manufacturer with a couple of questions that she needed answered from them, but they never returned her calls.  She and I have since learned that the reason the manufacturer never responded to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency people last year regarding a couple of items of information that they needed before giving approval for licensing here in Canada may have been due to a "takeover" of the company??  I've since found a bit of information on the internet that may support that.  It's not that my vet doesn't know how to go about obtaining the Virbagen Omega Interferon, she's just having a little trouble getting a bit more information she needs to begin the process for this particular drug.  The reason we're going with the Interferon Alpha for now is that the vet finally heard back from an Internal Medicine guy.  He recommended to start with it now.  For all any of us know at this point, the Virbagen Omega Interferon may be quite cost prohibitive here - that's one of the things we're trying to find out.  I have a couple of more contacts for my vet to follow up on - you know, the one's that won't/can't give information to the "purrents", only to a vet!
    Pekoe continues to do quite well actually.  Haven't had a chance to post his most recent blood results - some went up, some went down.  The Internal Medicine guy said to go back to the 20mg. Prednisone per day.  He thought perhaps the dosage may have been cut back a little too soon.  We finished all the Doxycyline, but he didn't have Hemobart anyway.  Really, the only thing that's "out of the ordinary" with him clinically is that he's still licking concrete some.  Will keep you posted as I find out more information.
Pekoe & Angel Digby

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