Hang in there Belinda. Keep positive, the two of you will see this through together. You have formed a bond that has enormous healing powers. Much love to you through these tough times. Keep visualizing Bailey's energy picking up. Send him energy through your hands and heart. See him in your minds eye slowly making progress back to health. What wonderful news that he's begun to put on weight, that's definitely a good sign! Sending prayers and healing light,

Belinda Sauro wrote:

    Hi All,
As you probably have noticed I have gotten waaaaaaay behind on the CLS service and would like to get it updated. I have about 300 emails in my inbox with all of the CLS kitties I missed mixed in them, so could everyone that has lost a furchild please resend them to me so I can get them all posted? Please be sure and put the date of their passing and whether they are FeLV+ or not, thanks everyone.

Bailey is about the same, still pretty lethargic and no energy. He does have a good day every once in a while where he is more active and moves around a bit more. He gets bloodwork again on the 6th of March and hopefully his HCT is continuing to improve. He is very slowly but steadily gaining weight, he is up to 8.9.5 now, I just wish we could figure out what will put the FeLV virus back into dormancy so Bailey could feel good and be his happy, bouncy little self again.

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