I've been able to find EVO at various health food stores--Rainbow Blossom, Amazing Grace etc in Louisville, Ky and at some alternative vets.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: help with furkid food recomendations


I am almost done switching my furbabies over to Innova
Evo, which is all natural, mostly protein, no grains
(which is great for felines), and supposed to be the
best stuff out there.  You cannot buy it retail.  The
company that makes it has said they don't want to
compromise the quality of the food, so you'll have to
go to a smaller store to buy it, as well as many other
premium foods, or buy online.  Hope this helps.


all the posts i've read suggest feeding a high quality
food. would ya'll suggest brands ect that your furkids
do well with and like ? dry food as well as caned ?

the last  cat i had , PJ (paint job) lived to 16 and
wouldn't eat anything but meowmix. the "herd" is
currently eating a purina brand and having some
problems with it (namely gas *WHEW* !!)

i know Nothing about brands and quality of cat food.
i know in the future i'll need to change to caned food
and other options based on their health but for now is
there a dry food option that would be good for them ?
cost at the moment is the biggest issue with 8
chowhounds and recovering financially from the
spay/neuter cost. hmmm...also have to get them wormed
and then vaccines, the s/n was the biggest issue so we
could let the boys outa the cage ! (bandit kept
falling outa the hammock)

pogo, stitch, hudini, teddy, salem, bandit, oreo &
boots thank you for your time and recomendations in
this matter

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we
but by the moments that take our breath away.

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