Thanks, Tonya.  Surely it is all over for a while now.  Hunny Bunny was a shy litttle girl, semi-feralish - who some days I'd see a lot and other times not see for a couple of days.  I had trapped her in my neighborhood and she seemed happy living indoors. When she was feeling brave she'd come up and bite me on the leg!  Just a little love nip.  And her tail, iinstead of sticking straight up when she was happy would curl over her back.  She was so pretty and shiny black.   Graybe had been my mom's cat, one of the babies who let me and my cats move into their house after my mom died.  Graybe had showed up one day, hung around the carport, always wanting in.  Finally one day my mom opened the door, Graybe came in and never once asked to go outside again.  He'd picked his home!   He was - as you might have figured - the prettiest dark gray.  He was at least 15, probably more.  Such sweet souls.

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am so sorry.  You've had so many losses.  :(

Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Belinda - unfortunately I have two more this morning.   Hunny Bunny, a little "house semi-feral", feleuk neg and Graybe, age 15, also negative, congestive heart failure.  Hunny Bunny died 3/3 and Graybe 3/4.  Thank you.

Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Orange Julius (OJ) Jan 31, 2006 FeLV+
Buffy Feb. 19, 2006 FeLV+

Hi Belinda Thankyou for doing the list for our lost kitties..It does
help to see them remembered...
And we are all keeping our paws crossed here for Bailey.. May he make a
and have a good length of time left with you...

Tad and Marie

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