Thanks Wendy.  I am doing OK.  Still missing Jake, and thinking about him a lot.  I am going to pick up his ashes today....Thanks so much for thinking of us!

Thanks, Wendy.  I am functioning much better than I have after other deaths. Not sure why.  The first week was incredibly hard-- spent the first weekend drugged on sleeping pills just trying not to be awake.  Now I am basically functioning, even ok at times, but having intermittent flashbacks and just generally missing Ginger.  I am also missing all the others, too.
Patches has loose stool that today is diarrhea, and so far is not responding to the metronidazole. So I now have some anxiety about her taking over my emotions too.  It is hard not to just focus on the possibility that she too has lymphoma, in her intestines.  I have a generally ominous feeling about my two remaining positives, which I hope is just that, a feeling. 
Thanks again,

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