My kitties that had recurrent litter box problems had recurrent tapeworm problems.  To this day, they will miss the box when they get tapes.  Fortunately, they haven't had tapes in quite a while.
A tablespoon of pumpkin (canned raw pumpkin, not pie filler which has sugar and spices that you don't want) can help some cats with recurrent problems.
Kefir or yougurt is another aid that occasionally works.
Definitely feed fiber (pumpkin or a food with high fiber content). 
Of course good litter box hygiene and experiment with different litters. I like 2 litter boxes to every 3 cats some groups may require more but his works well for my crew.  I do let my cats outside to go to the bathroom as well. 
I have two females that will not use a used box.  Even if the box is used only once.  Multiple boxes is necessary and two cleanings daily are a necessary minimum for my bunch.
IBD is actually quite rare.  Missed litter boxes is more likely to be caused from other causes.  A good vet workup does not hurt but don't rush into an IBD diagnosis.  I know folks that spent a lot of time with that diagnosis only to have the problem instantly solved with pumpkin.
Hope some of this helps.  Good luck.  Been there and know the frustration but take heart, the problems can be overcome.
Patricia Lamoretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sounds like a possible case of IBD.  Cats will typically go outside the box because there's discomfort ... kinda like a urinary problem.  Has Yodel been tested for parasites (just starting with basics)?  You may want to change the food.  Try a higher protein, human grade, canned food.  Stay away from the kibble and if that doesn't work ... see a vet, I guess ... Unless someone has another suggestion?  You can also go onto Feline IBD sites/groups/message boards and post there about your problem.  Good Luck -- PAT

I know this was the best place to ask about cat questions, so here goes...I just brought a new feluk postive 6 month old cat (Yodel-lay-he-hoo, yodel for short) to our apartment, we have a feluk postive 6 month old cat (papoose) now and three dogs.  Yodel seems not to like to poo in the litter box, but will poo in the bath tub and also on top of my husbands coat on the kitchen table (wow was he not happy about that, since he didnt even want the first cat) ...our set up at first when we brought him home to our one bedroom apartment was, yodel in the bathroom with his own litter pan and papoose had the rest of the place with his own litter pan.  Yodel pooed in the tub, the cat behavorist at the shelter thought he liked the feeling of the tub and suggested we take out some of the litter, so we did, and well that didn't help, but we didnt find poo in the tub, but we didnt see any in the litterpan and well couldnt find any presents in the bathroom.  We gave him more run of the house and (that may have not been the best choice but he was meowing up a storm in the bathroom!) we thought we were going ok for a little some poo in the litter box which is located in a crate with a small opening for the cats to go in and out of, but the dogs that love to eat poo can not get to it (just our luck dogs that love to eat cat poo).  The other night he pooed on my husbands coat.  I am going to introduce another litter box in the crate, but we unfortunately can not place a bunch all over the place because of our dogs.  Any suggestions , we are going to try different litter and hopefully try to get a litter pan that the dogs cant get into...thank you
oh and papoose seems to like to beat up yodel and hold him down and then lick him furiously and then beat him up that odd? (i just feel bad for the new cat, cause he is such a lover and he hates the dogs and papoose is a bully to him)

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