Hi guys,

Well, I finally went back to the shelter yesterday
morning, while my dogs were being snip-snipped at the
vets, and adopted that little black kitty that stole
my heart weekend before last.  I haven't named her
yet, but she is precious.  When I first met her, and
subsequently thought about her all week, I knew she
was black like Cricket, but didn't realize how much
she favored Cricket until I got her home and spent the
day with her.  Her face is shaped the same.  She has
the same soft fur and long, fluffy black tail, and is
just shaped the same as he was.  It's REALLY weird. 
Even my husband said something about it.  The vet said
she's about six months old, but I'm not so sure she's
that old.  Cricket died five months ago this Thursday.
 I'm not saying that this is Cricket reincarnated,
because it's so hard for me to wrap my mind around
something like that, but I'm not saying it's not

This kitty is such a love and will bless our home.  I
noticed she has tapeworms yesterday, so I gave her a
quarter pill of those pills you can get from the feed
store for dog tapeworms.  That's what I usually use,
and had some left over from last year.  Otherwise, she
seems very healthy, and gets along as if she has both
her eyes instead of one.  I have to get her shots and
get her spayed in a month, so I will probably have her
tested for FeLV at that time as well.  But I'm sure
there are many of you out there who understand me when
I say part of me just wants to forgo that FeLV test,
and not know if she is, you know?  Ignorance is bliss.
 I guess that would be irresponsible though, as she
would need special care, although all my kitties eat
healthy and get their vitamins.

Anyway, I am very happy about this new addition to our
home, and I just wanted to share it with you guys, who
can appreciate it the most.

Thanks for listening!

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